How to Strengthen your Immune System With Simple Steps

You know it really saddens me to all that is going on these days. Every day it seems like it could not get worse, yet, it does. I do not want to get all into much of that. But want I want to address is what can we do for ourselves to protect ourselves and our families?

I want to give you three simple steps you can take to strengthen your immune system. First off I want to define Health or having a strong immune system:


  1. the state of being free from illness or injury.

    "he was restored to health"

I also define health as the absence of deficiencies and toxins or having strong cells, which deficiencies and toxins weaken the cells, therefore weakening health. For example, breathing your own carbon dioxide and getting inadequate oxygen, or wearing a mask will increase toxins and cause deficiency, decreasing health.

So Step #1-
is be aware of the deficiencies and toxins you may be exposed to. You can do this by googling. Or you can order a book on this topic (Audible). Or you can visit your doctor and get a screening for nutritional deficiencies and toxins.

You can also take this Health Survey for a Free Consult!

Step #2-
Watch this great video by Dr. Bill Sears where he gives an easy and fun way to

How To Preload Your Immune System | Dr. Bill Sears | JPTV

Step #3-
Click on this Take Action Button and Take Action toward Preloading and Strengthening your immune system naturally!

If you would like more detail, read this article in Natural Living Family Reviewed by Eric Zielinski, DC (Dr. Z)

Hear a Story from Dr. Mirta Ray

Let Food be Thy Medicine

I wanted to share how disappointed I am in the CDC and NIH. Aren’t they suppose to protect us and inform us on health? The CDC has over 50,000 employees and all they can come up with is masks after over a year? The NIH has over a 46 billion budget and I can not seem to find one study they have done of the efficacy of masks? Hey, I want my money back!

I was told that “you don’t want to be that guy” who is an annoyance, bring attention to myself, makes trouble. “This guy” is trying to do his job by showing Risk of Liability. “Guys or Gals like me” are the ones who think, who innovate, who question the status quo, who test and initiate growth. Am I wrong?

I would also like to bring up that wearing masks damages communication and confidence. The evolution of our brains, the most primitive part of our brains looks for facial expressions and ques and we are constantly rank ordering or looking for approval. This is partially subconscious, but the fact is masks devolve communication, it does not strengthen confidence. Something to think about.

I will not go far into this, but this also brings up all of the negative aspects of wearing a mask. I ask again, was a true risk/ benefit analysis done of all the pros and cons or wearing a mask,? Why has there been a rise in anxiety, depression, suicide? Contributive? Are these conditions better or worse than covering your face with a diaper? Does it add other risk in health and safety?

The worst thing about this mandate is that it will further the divide. Is division in society this apparent healthy for a society? Is the constituent view of a divide or instability (flip flop on policy) in government agencies healthy? How can WE be part of the recovery and healing of this horrible divide we have experienced?

Why in over a year are we still dealing with the superficial fix with the mask? Why have we not gotten, with our health advisors, further into root cause solution? I am just an Safety and Health guy who has been trying to communicate root cause solution for community health since way before covid…

The Heart of the Problem with this policy on “Masks are mandatory, Wear a Mask”:

  • “Masks are mandatory, Wear a Mask” is not a protocol or safety standard.

    • Short story on PPE application- . So a standard PPE application could be all man-up forklifts operators have to wear “Fall Protection” . If we had this standard only, this is like saying “wear a mask”. Instead a safety standard for the man-up’s can be that “All man-up operators need to wear an Self Retracting Lanyard and be properly trained in fall protection”. The reason for this is because if a Person fell 14 feet from a man-up forklift with the basic straight lanyard, they would for sure hit the ground before the straight lanyard would reach full deployment.

      So a proper safety standard equivalent to “self-retracting lanyards” would be every Person would have to wear a FITTED N95 masks and change out every 30 min, per manufactures recommendation and how the PPE was designed to protect… Any mask will be saturated with biota, virus and other microbes within 30 min. Paper or cloth masks were not designed or manufactured to protect against virus. The current application of mass masks mandates will cause more exposure and more health risk to the Partners, Reference- Spanish Flu Study and PowerPoint attached. These are facts not opinions.

  • Therefore by mandating masks and not following a protocol or safety standard, is admitting to not following a solid safety and health protection plan. This is Safety 101. 

A Potential Solid Safety and Health Protocol:

We should embrace “Let Food be Thy Medicine”, how can we be a catalyst to the future of food and health in Texas! How can we move towards Root Cause Solution? This protocol goes above and beyond the protection of a vaccine. There can be another variant or another super bug come along and the vaccine is obsolete. Would we shut down again and go into utter economic and social destruction? This protocol addresses overall health.

Natural food and health practices do not have side effects like manufactured “protection”. Nothing is 100% preventive but practicing ALL prevention practices increases probability to avoid disease.

There is a ton more proven “Science” in health here than “wear a mask” recommendation from CDC… Masks do not promote health.


  • Offer an education and protection program (Mask should be optional and voluntary too as it was)

    • Basic- send out a pack of- Zinc and Quercetin, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C, multivitamin or product with phytonutrients. (Correct me if I am wrong, but sever cases and fatalities had a consistent deficiency in these?) Getting to root cause is identifying common deficiencies or commonalities in cases.

    • Research best protocol to repair shikimate pathway from the spike protein damage to cell and clotting aspect.

    • Optional- People choose their “RIGHT TO TRY” to request treatment with proven FDA approved therapeutic treatments and medicines. (again I ask why have these proven lifesaving drugs been suppressed?) Have countries, hospitals, and medical groups signed contracts with vaccine companies, stating if other proven treatments came along, they could not break contract? Humm?

    • Optional Education on- (I know, I know you can’t make people be healthy, but we can make them wear a mask?)

      • Eat for nutrition not calories or macro (focus on vitamins minerals, a phytonutrients) This is what strengthens the cells and in turn innate immunity, the “oil” that makes our body machine function better. Viruses is not what gets people sick, cell integrity, the level of deficiencies and toxins in the system is how people get sick. This is why some people get sick and some people don’t (like me, I last had the flu in 1999, the worst I have ever been sick, the last time I took the flu vaccine. Since then I have not been sick for more than a day or two. For covid, I felt “off” for half a day in February 2020. I went home, took my nutrition, slept for 14 hours and was good as new the next day. I have had high exposure the whole time, never stopped coming to work with 500 people a day, the “medic” who everyone comes to who is sick {before temp checks and protocols}, never stopped going out, only wore a mask when I “had” to)

      • Eating more whole foods- at least two servings of each of the 5 colors of fruits and vegetables (phytonutrients), eat at least twice the servings of vegetables on your plate than anything else on the plate.

      • Eating less processed foods, sugars and empty carbs. All of these promote inflammation in our body, inflammation is the root cause of most all disease and lower immune response. Am I wrong?

      • Get at least 30 min – 1 hour of sun without sunscreen. Sun and Vitamin D is the best mask that kills the virus.

      • Exercise or activity 30min- 1 hour a day 5-6 days a week. Breathing exercises to strengthen the lungs for potential upper respiratory virus.

      • Lower stress, promote confidence and not fear. (Fear has been the number one virus during this time and made all this much much worse that it had to be)
        Reporting just cases day in and day out is like me just saying “we had 10 injuries last week”. VS getting root cause and commonalities in cases to prevent further incidents. More information is better, just reporting cases is propaganda of fear…

      • Drink at least a gallon of water a day, if possible more alkaline filtered water. Eliminate or reduce alcohol consumption and other toxins.

      • Get enough rest 6-8 hours a sleep a night. Try to at least wake up at a consistent hour, this balances circadian rhythms.

      • Get exposure to as many different environments as possible, this increases the diversity in our microbiome (The health of our microbiome can be linked to all disease or absence of disease.) Sanitizing everything, will kill bad bugs sure, but it will also kill the good bugs. The good bugs make up about 80% or our human living organism, we are actually more microbe than human cells by sum trillions. If we kill all the good bugs, this will lower innate immunity, and promote disease. When you read on a bottle of sanitizer and it says “Kills 99.9% of bacteria” do you think the .1% is good bugs or bad bugs? Sanitizers are also an added toxin and potential carcinogen if used in excess, not promoting health.

      • Everyone should get full blood tests and physicals- to identify deficiencies and toxins. The PCR test have been proven to be faulty with mostly false positives. Also the sterilization product (Ethyl Oxide) is a know carcinogenic. A full blood test and physical would identify ALL health issues, not just covid.

      • Based on the above findings, create and individual a health improvement plan for each person. In cases of people getting physicals, have saved and extended multiple lives for example identifying High Blood Pressure in Partners. This can save and extend many lives way beyond the scope of Covid.

 If you would like to learn more about health, safety, and nutrition contact me at

I figured it all out!

I figured out the virus and the vaccine.

The virus or cytokine storm is like pissing off a bee hive. Then the bees go through your system, stinging the hell out of everything.

Vitamins - minerals -whole food - phytonutrients - health - immunity - a-symptomatic… is like GOD or MOTHER NATURE holding their HANDS around you and your cells.

The vaccine is like your cells being stabbed in the back with a knife. Then the knife becomes (not as good design and with ill intentions) an antenna…

Cells should be round and smooth to move through the system freely (none clotting), phytonutrients are the “oil” that makes this happen. The spike protein is like throwing a bowling ball with spikes in it… probably little chance of hitting a strike in health with that toxin, biotech, nanotech…

So live to the PLUS and take in God’s and Mother Natures gift to heal, be nourished. Get healthy awesome people!

Spike Protien

Spike Protien

Is the Beach Ball, AKA the Truth Finally Popping Out?


So I have been following this thing since the beginning, like the first week. My Partner at work is studying Emergency Management and I think it was just after new year or the second week of January, she said “Hey look at this virus in china…”

I even sent a screen shot of the chart the last week of January, asking if emergency people were noticing this “outbreak”? No answer… Then in March I asked if we as front line should have N95 masks? Was “noted”…

This whole past year+ (actually way before covid) I have been waving my arms, “hey hey, there is something not right here”. And it got worse, the counting, the reporting, the response… all very very wrong. Now it is CLEAR AS DAY, THIS HAS NEVER BEEN ABOUT HEALTH OR A SOLUTION - THE HOSPITALS, THE “EXPERTS” HAVE BEEN CHASING THE MONEY AND THE FEAR INSTEAD OF THE HEALTH AND SOLTUION. THE WHOLE THING HAS BEEN A POLITAL LIE AND SHAM.

Sure there has been sick people and deaths, but there are sick people and deaths all the time. It has all just been politicized the whole time. There are 1000s of things that kill us every single day, there are over 50,000 known viruses and millions of unknown, the probability of our existence is less than zero, yet here we are.

The truth is coming out, and the house of card is falling. The CDC is finally admitting the most of the reported deaths for Covid were actually other causes… There is so much information coming out and it is very hard to know what to believe. All I know is I trust my self to take care of me and my family more than the government and the medical industry.

I feel things will happen very quickly now, they have been though, so much has been going on under most peoples eyes. It is time to WAKE UP people and learn the truth.

The Truth-

  • There is the worst evil on our planet that has been trying to kill and enslave us.

  • We do live in a Matrix of- falsehood, paper, contracts, systems, credits, bills, “work”/ enslavement, not being our true selves, doing what they want, not reaching our true potential, blinded by the untruths of the world created around us. We are vessels entrapped from birth to be taken from…

  • The “virus” was intended to be a weapon, a distraction from the truth of the evil working behind the scenes. If you look up the book “The Great Reset” by Klaus Schwab it will lay it all out for you.

  • The evil of the world is trying to take over the world, globalism, make us all slaves while they have their islands and toys to play while we all suffer…

  • The war of evil and good has been going on for 100s of years. All of the secret societies you have heard are are really true. We can see this in Hollywood, most all the movies we have seen have been some version of the truth.

  • With the great reset and Hollywood, we are seeing that evil has to reveal what they are doing in plain sight while we just think it is entertainment…

  • The media, big tech, the medical industry, big pharma and the government (the swamp) has been lying to us and trying to get complete control of us and take all of our freedoms away, while most of us don’t even notice, lemmings…

  • Slavery and human trafficking is bigger and worst than it has ever been in history, and our clueless fake “leader” Pinocchio joe is the biggest human trafficker of all time. Yet, there is “no border crisis” according to the propaganda arm and communist main stream media. #savethekids

It is time to wake up and take our lives in our own hands. We need to ignore all the noise going on. We need to focus on ourselves and our families. We need to decide what we are going to commit to ourselves to be our best selves. Make a list on what you want to do to change or to accomplish.
For example I am going through 75 Hard Challenge. We just moved and are finally settling in our new house. Having a place to really call home, that you feel comfortable, you have all your stuff in one place, you have peace and can take a 30 min nap after work… That is home. Having a home now after basically a decade of turmoil has calmed me inside, I felt a weight off my shoulders. Also walking away from toxic and people who do not lift me up, only tear me down. Pursuing and hanging out with people who support you and compliment you and become a mastermind with you to accomplish great things. These things add life, live to the PLUS vs being stagnant and depressed. 75 Hard is now me, taking care of me. My own personal reset. I am losing weight, I feel great, I almost forgot my favorite drug is the feeling of being fit and active. As I write this I am on day 5 of no meds, so I am building confidence with my lifestyle changes I can get off my meds and be the healthy Nick, Nick to the PLUS!

It is time to wake up! After taking care of us, we need to be part of taking care of our family and community. The EVIL has tried to divide us and they have been doing a great job. Yes, even I have fallen into it and it is very sad. We need to take responsibility for our own actions and be able to apologize and forgive. We need to find the common ground again and reestablish the relationships lost over the past year through this political mess and matrix in front of our eye to make us react vs think.

After we reestablish community we need to decide what we need to do as a group to make our community better, to be our best community.
Here in Texas we had a freeze in February (I will never forget because during the snow storm and the freeze is when I got married to QueenT). What we found out during this freeze is that most households, most stores and most cities became food deserts. Transportation and supply chain stopped for 3-4 days and we saw the shelves emptied (again). We heard of elderly and the disadvantage freezing and going hungry.
What we need to do as communities is decide what we need to do to remedy this problem of being food deserts. Of course this won’t happen over night and there will still be shortfalls, but at least we are moving in the right directions of being my self and community self sustainable.
Come together, have drive way socials, block parties, neighborhood planning meetings, start go fund me’s for community gardens and care chains. Go to your local government and city council meetings and bring up the topic of food deserts and community self sustainability. I wonder what they will say, “oh, that can’t be done, it’s too expensive and won’t work…” Yeah I have heard that over and over, but the truth of the matter is, at some point, we won’t have a choice.
Did you know we do not grow most of our own food in the USA. In Kansas, the breadbasket of America, 1 out of 4 kids go to bed hungry. Here in the US we grow mostly mono crops of wheat, soy and corn for animals and fuel. So in essence most of all of the USA is a food desert. This should terrify all of us into getting busy! What are you going to do?

Good will overcome evil. This too shal pass. We are not out of the storm yet, but the more of us that WAKE UP, STAND UP, SPEAK THE TRUTH, DO YOUR PART and let’s make this country and this planet GREAT AGAIN!

Contact for more information or if you want to join the movement!

Updates- Living to the PLUS!

Updates- Living to the PLUS!

Stay Connected and Follow the PLUS Journey!

Unfortunately the PLUS has been censored and canceled to an extent, Fakebook jail has been no stranger... FOR TELLING THE TRUTH! This is part of the reason I am writing this email. But with every limitation or challenge there is opportunity, or creativity in making new channels and adapting always!

The journey continues! Have you ever heard anyone say the journey is over? Just curious, because I love the journey. 

How is your journey going, are you Living to the PLUS?

...after working on and selling my house...

...after a Covid - Zoom (with QueenT's son marrying us) - Valentine's Day - Snow Storm Wedding...

...after working on and selling QueenT's house...

...after navigating through a turbulent and competitive housing market to find a new home...

We are finally settling in to our new home.

Next on the agenda-

  1. Get back to the Plus physically, get back in shape and better health- With Covid, moving, marriage, I admit I was not really focused on my health. Even though I did a full triathlon in 16 hours without training...

    1. I have started a challenge I have been looking at for a while, I have had a bunch of my network do it, 75 Hard Challenge. I have done full triathlons, endurance challenges. team events... So I was like what is next? To tell the truth, I don't stay in shape well unless I am training for something. How about you?
      In traditional events, it is all about the finish line (my next book is on this topic). With this 75 Hard it is about completing, staying consistent and having wins everyday you complete the tasks-

      ( Follow my progress on Rumble OR Pod or Instagram)

      1. 75 Days no cheats

      2. No Alcohol and drink a gallon of water everyday

      3. Workout two times a day for 45 min each and one wo outside.

      4. Follow a diet, I am following one to get off BP meds

      5. Read at least ten pages of a developmental book

      6. Take progress pics

    2. This will be a great reset for me. In a new house, now time for a new 44 year old body! lol This will also be a launching board for more future endurance challenges...

    3. If you would like to join me or have an accountability Partner or just talk about it, let me know, I am here to answer questions.

  2. Getting my book completed- I have written over 60K words and pretty much finished writing. Trying to decide to go through a professional process or just create my own. I think creating my own will be more fun. SO... On a side note, I have also written another 50K words on Self Authoring Suit, it is a great way to reflect on life to get a better target for the future...

    1. Look out for my website updates. I will be releasing chapters of my book on my website and at the same time, releasing a podcast with an audio reading of the book and discussion of each chapter with my Coach.

    2. There are assignments and reflection in each section that you can follow along or with a group to work towards Living to the PLUS!

    3. At the same time I will be working on having the book launched on Amazon. I wish there was another way, but I guess it is a necessary evil...

  3. Hill Country Playground Company- now that we are settled and I am getting back in shape, it is time to look at hosting some cool and original events!

    1. I am stepping away from directing the Texas State Tri and other traditional events/ races (but still work with High Five Events, Kerrville is just around the corner!). I tell you even before covid the challenge and liability of putting on an event has dramatically gotten more difficult with; more building and residential areas = more traffic, more stringent permitting... The main thing though is that I did not own Texas State Tri, had no say in when we could have it again and always have to reinvent the wheel with new students every 2-4 years. After almost 20 years of this I am ready for something new.

    2. If you are interested in smaller, more intimate, weekend long group building and bonding original events, let me know. Email

    3. Look for something on the schedule within the next week or so, I will send a follow up email.

  4. Community development and sustainability- with current events and the last year from HELL, I am passionate about learning more on how I can help my community and your community. With gas prices going up and in turn everything will go up in price, right? I have read news about shortages in food and supplies again. Are you concerned about supply chain and being able to feed your family? Seems like the era of the "Easy Button" is getting a bit more HARD.

    1. As always I am your favorite Tower Garden provider so you can have Tower to Table. The importance of community and community growing is almost getting to a point of desperation. I can think of 10-15 things that can threaten our supply change any day- cyber attacks, shipping cost and availability, our government trying to stifle local farmers...

    2. I call on you to step up and do at least one thing to benefit you, your family and your community in growing and redeveloping local food systems. Start today with purchasing your own Tower Garden!

    3. You can also join our Facebook group Power of the Plant, Texas Movement to comment, ask questions, create your local community for urban farming...

Stay tuned to for more updates, products and services to help you LIVE TO THE PLUS!

And the Survey Says?

So I like to write and share and try to help you guys. But I thought we would change gears and I would like to hear from you, so I can better help you.

If you would be so kind to fill out one or both of these surveys for me, that would be great!
Fill out the survey and enter into our drawing at the end of the month for our first monthly swag give away! Tune into social channels for swag reveal.

Yall stay awesome, have a great weekend and let's turn this 2020 around to finish with a bang!


The PLUS Life Survey


Health Survey

Toxins and Solutions


Well with recent events it is in question if we will even have sports to watch anymore. What do yall think?
I am not going to get into politics and I know we all like the good-bad stuff when we are watching the game. But would it kill us to try to have more good-good stuff more often? How can we make this easier?


According the Global Healing Center we are exposed to anywhere between 700,000 to 2,100,000 toxins on a daily basis if we include the crazy poisons that GMO companies are pumping into the food supply. So given this knowledge, health is defined as the ability to heal, correct? Does it make sense that if we are exposed to these toxins every day it could be damaging our cells and the ability to heal? Would it make sense that people having more issues with current disease might have weaker cells? Food for thought.

How many toxins are you exposed to every day? I'll tell you, 1000s! How do you help your body heal more than getting deteriorated from toxins? You get to the...

Top Three Toxins found in homes today-

1. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

    Risks- Vision and breathing issues, headaches, dizziness, memory issues. Prolonged and higher exposures can increase risk of cancer, liver, kidney and central nervous system damage.

    Sources- New carpets and home furnishings, paints, particle board, plywood and pressed wood, deodorants, shampoos, cosmetics, air fresheners and tobacco products.

2. Pesticides- 
According the EPA, 60% of herbicides, 90% of fungicides and 30% of insecticides are known to be carcinogenic. Pesticide residues have been detected in 50% to 95% of U.S. foods!

Want to know how to grow your own food? I am working on this myself, but my biggest advice with food is know where it comes from and know what's in it. The best solution to this is to grow you own or buy local.

    Risks- Irritation of eye, nose and throat, damages to central nervous system and kidney, increased risk of cancer, Parkinson's disease, miscarriage, nerve damage, birth defects, blocking the absorption of food nutrients.

This makes you think about the production of our food. Why would food companies and or our Government put us at risk for these things?

    Sources- Food (some fruits, vegetables and commercially raised meats), household pest control products and sprays, and some chemical lawn treatments which drift or are tracked indoors.

How to minimize exposure:
- be aware of what you track into the house
- Buy fresh organic produce or better yet grow your own
- Avoid using chemical based pest control products in the home
- Use natural pest control methods for your lawn and garden

3. Heavy Metals
Metals like arsenic, mercury, lead, aluminum and cadmium, which are prevalent in many areas of our environment, can accumulate in soft tissues of the body.

    Risks- Cancer, neurological disorders, Alzheimer's disease, foggy head, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, decreased production of read and white blood cells, abnormal heart rhythm, damage to blood vessels.

    Sources- Drinking water (I recommend getting your water from a professionally filtered source like in NB we have WaterTree), some seafood, vaccines, pesticides, preserved wood, antiperspirant, building materials, dental amalgams, chlorine plants, lead paints.

How to minimize exposure:
- Install water filters or buy from a professional filtering company, alkaline water is good for health as well.
- Use cold water for drinking, making tea or coffee and cooking.
- Avid fish high in mercury, such as king mackerel, tile-fish, swordfish, shark, orange roughy, and marlin. Limit consumption of tuna, especially steaks and canned 'white' albacore.

3- ways Toxins Cause Weight Gain

So talking to real ER Doctors and reading stats, most people who are getting most sick or worse during this time, obesity is a common factor. From Global Obesity Levels- Vietnam is the least obese country with 2.1% of the population classified as obese. Among OECD countries, the United States is the most obese (36.2%). According to WHO, more than 1.9 billion adults worldwide were overweight, including 650 million who were obese, in 2016. 

Vietnam had one of the lowest incidents rates during this crisis. We have one of the highest. Is this related?

Does toxic exposures cause weight gain? For sure 100%

1. When our hormones are working properly, this is when we have an easier time of regulating weight. Toxins affect our normal hormones process for weight regulation.

2. Our bodies are very resilient and naturally does all it can to protect us. Our bodies do this by in some way placing fat cells around toxins to protect other cells and our organs. Lost of sugars and or high fructose corn syrup has a negative effect in this process.

3. Our thyroid can be heavily affected by toxins. Our thyroid helps regulate energy, our body temperatures (who has gotten temp checked recently?), and keeps our brain heart and other organs working as they should. If these things are working properly, again our body goes into protection mode and fat or weight gain is one our bodies protections.


1. Be aware- be aware of the products you use and what is in your environment that may be a toxin. Use more natural products. Good rule of thumb- if you read a label and don't know half the stuff that is in the product, look for a product you know what the ingredients are.

2. Drink more and better water- again if you can get your water at a professional filtering company like WaterTree, that is best.

3. Eat more clean fruits and vegetables. If at all possible grow your own (I can show you a way to make gardening easier so let me know). I would say Organic and will write another blog talking about Organic, but if you can go Organic or ideally find local farmers who are practicing regenerative farming practices.

If you can eat at least two servings of each color of the rainbow of fruits and vegetables. There are 5-6 different colors and every color has different "plant chemicals" that help "clean out" toxins. You see you want to balance they types of chemicals you are exposed to. Human made chemicals reduce your body and cells ability to heal. Plant chemicals increase your body and cells ability to heal.

4. Buy Juice Plus from me 😁 Do me a favor and Google "The most researched nutritional product" tell me what comes up? I first started taking Juice Plus in 1994, before the research, for depression and stomach ulcers caused by the depression... It helped! I have not had the flu or more than a day of cold since 1999. When I run long distances like a 50K with over 300 up and down dune like hills, I don't get sore and have quick recovery. This is because of the plant chemicals (all the colors of the rainbow) helping with antioxidants to reduce cell damage.
Juice Plus is my insurance and assurance to make sure I am getting the nutrition I need. It does not replace fruits and vegetables, I still try to get as many as I can in a day, but it fills the gap of what I am supposed to be getting vs what I actually get. Do you think it is easy to eat two servings of each color of fruits and vegetables each day? What if you don't like most fruits and vegetables that much? Well Juice Plus is one of the best easy buttons in health that you can have in your arsenal against toxins and poor health! Order Now!

With all this information what do you think? Makes me wonder why we do things the way we do, mostly for profit and in my opinion not for peoples health.

I am told all the time, Nick, you can't tell people to be healthy, they are going to do what they are going to do. TRUE, but with these above facts, why wouldn't people want to be more aware and be concerned for their health and body function. Eventually we will reach a tipping point where we don't have a choice. A prime example is what we have seen happen to professional sports and many niceties we have.  

I am doing everything I can to educate, contribute and plan to be part of the change.

What do you choose?

If any of this makes since to you, I am here to help. Please contact me or let me know how I can best help you to reduce toxins in your life.

Thank you and keep Living to the PLUS!

What are you doing to get Healthy?


Schedule your Free Consult Now!

Do you struggle with losing weight and keeping it off?

Do the health and fitness results you want always seem to elude you?

The key to optimal health and fitness is nutrition. And great nutrition doesn't have to leave you feel hungry or deprived of the foods you love.

If you had a proven, personalized plan that outlined everything for you, and a coach to support you and answer your questions along the way, don't you think you would accomplish the health and fitness goals that are important to you?

If you're tired of fad diets and workout programs and want lasting results, my program is for you!

Meet Your Coach


Nick to the Plus
• Professional In Safety and Health
• Bachelors in Exercise and Sports Science
• Over 20 years in Health and Fitness Industry
• Nick to the Plus will meet you where you are in your health journey and lead you to a better you.

Here's what you'll get with my nutrition coaching program:

✔ An introductory coaching call with me - your coach!
✔ List easy steps to better health
✔ Access and guidance to healthy shopping, cooking, meal prep and workout programs
✔ Weekly check-ins to assess your progress and solve any challenges you are running into

With all this support, don't you think you'll experience the results you've been wanting? Stop waiting and start improving your health and fitness today!

Schedule your Free Consult Now!

Living to the Plus Through a Pandemic

If you need help boosting your immune system or growing your own food to fortify you and your family during these times, email


How do you feel right now? Do you feel strong, weak, afraid, confused, anxious, like a caged animal, or a animal fighting for survival?

I feel like the animal fighting for survival! I am here to help you survive and live to the PLUS!

I feel like my whole life has prepared me for this moment, this crisis, this pandemic.

I am not going to get political or anything, but we have royally screwed up!

Life= Living + Disease + Sick + Health + Death + Natural Selection = A Stronger Species

The US has become weak and needs hardship to become stronger = Facts of Life.

We can’t beat nature with idiocy and ignorance. We can reduce our risk and improve our chances by getting strong, getting healthy, getting off our butts, getting out side, planting and growing our own food, eating right, getting active, and helping others to do the same.

The shut down made sense at first but we screwed it up. People can’t follow directions.

Every day we continue not functioning as a smarter society means more and more serious problems than a virus. We get smarter by thinking, writing our ideas down, sharing and discussing our ideas and taking action. We can not depend on the sludge that is in DC to protect us. We need to be community, be strong together, and bring it local to a sustainable society.

I will be making videos addressing the real problems "As If" I were running for President. I am going to do this until they give us some real choices, start talking about the real issues and come up with real solutions.

Wake up - Stand up - Live to the Plus

Real Problems Part 1- Food

Stay tuned to the to more videos and watch previous videos and share! Let's spread the awareness, grow the ideas and more forward together with better solutions!

Live to the PLUS!

3 Ways to Create a Healthy Kitchen- for Meal Prep

Do you cook a lot? Do you cook at all? When you cook, is it fresh or from a box or bag?

Did you know cooking once or twice a week can really set you up for better health and save some cash?

  • On average, most Americans eat out over 5 times a week.

  • Eating out is typically 5 times more expensive than cooking at home.

  • Eating out increases coronary heart disease by 80%...

What is your challenge to cooking at home? Time? Skill or confidence in the kitchen? Knowing what to cook?

Nick to the Plus is here to help. QueenT and I are trying to get into the habit of cooking every Sunday for the week. Our goal is to cook at least two meals to have some variety in the week for lunch and dinner. These days even with time as a factor we can now plan out our week ahead and order from H-E-B Curbside or Favor. We recently signed up for Rich Roll's Plant Power Meal Planner. This app is awesome, where we can pick out our healthy meals for the week and it make a grocery list for us. This combination in meal planning make life so much more simple, healthier and on a budget!

If you are interested in exploring these options or more, let us know, we are here to help!

Here are 3 more ways to Create a Healthy Kitchen for meal prep-

  1. Leave appealing water pitchers and or bowls of fruit (no in packaging or wrapped) but in clear view. This way you think of drinking good water or healthy fruit snacks when you are in the kitchen.

  2. Print out healthy recipes you want to try and put them on the refrigerator. Go that extra step and list what you need for ingredients and schedule the day you are going to go shopping or sit down and order online.

  3. Plant and in home garden or a windowsill herb garden so you know what you are getting and where it came from.

If you need help getting started or want to up your home cooking game, please contact and we can grow and cook together!

#livetotheplus #cookhealthy #knowwhereyourfoodcomesfrom #growyourown

Keep your Resolutions Going

How are you doing on your Resolutions? We are now almost a month into the New Year, about 40% of you set goals or resolutions for the year, about 40% of those people will be successful at six months.

How are you doing? Are you one of the 40%?

Did you set SMART Goals? S-Specific, M- Measurable, A- Attainable, R- Realistic, T- Timely

Did you focus on just one thing that is most important or did you pick a bunch?

Did you have a plan going in and did you find the simplest, smallest thing you can do to start your self-accountability?

How do you feel? Strong and set in the new habit? Not as good as when you started but still in the game? OR about to quit?

Let Nick to the Plus help you at any of these levels. I want to help you be successful, find meaning and fulfillment in your LIFE resolutions.

Let’s go get it!