Are you Living to the PLUS with the Laws of the Universe?

Good Day Awesome People!

The Philosophy and Psychology of The Laws of the Universe and Living to the PLUS

Above you see I made a Video and Podcast first about the passing of a great mentor, Bob Proctor, then about the Law of Vibration, finally my video about the rest of the Natural Laws of the Universe. I am no expert on these topics but exploring and learn more while bringing you along for the ride. Continuous curiosity and learning is Living to the PLUS!

In this week’s writing to stay on topic, I am going to write about the philosophy and psychology of the laws of the universe and what is a law.

Again I refer to the Plato Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

The Basic Question: What is to be a LAW?

  1. Laws at least appear to have a central role in scientific practice.

  2. Laws are important to many other philosophical issues.

  3. Laws have a connection between lawhood and confirmability by inductive inference.

The Twelve Laws of Nature or the Universe

  1. The Law of divine oneness

  2. The Law of vibration

  3. The Law of correspondence

  4. The Law of attraction

  5. The Law of inspired action

  6. The Law of perpetual transmutation of energy

  7. The Law of cause and effect

  8. The Law of compensation

  9. The Law of relativity

  10. The Law of polarity

  11. The Law of perpetual motion

  12. The Law of Giving and receiving

When most of us think about laws we think about speeding tickets or drinking and driving and maybe if we are robbed…

In my past podcast, I talk about the Law of Man and Woman here

Most “laws” are really legality or policies we “obey” these days are contract law as if we are a vessel or ship… That is why we need lawyers, vs speaking and defending ourselves with our WORD in front of peers… the legal system has become more and more complicated, hence lawyers, when the simplicity of “was there trespass” is all we need to function as a society… Also troubling it seems the “law” maker are being pretty Lawless themselves…

What bothers me most is as with universal laws and the law of trespass are somewhat mystical (because we are not taught them) or not spoken about much, is that we live under these unlaws (disregard for natural LAW) that have huge effects on our daily lives, yet no one really talks about them…

What is Nick to the Plus talking about? The Unlaws…

  1. The unlaws of marketing, programming, and propaganda. These unlaws tell us what to do, manipulate us or attract us to bright and shiny things subconsciously…

  2. The unlaws of attempting to wedge, divide and to stigmatize. To politicize an emergency, safety or health response

  3. The unlaw of Keeping up with the Jones’s

  4. The unlaw of worrying what other people think about us

  5. The unlaw of uncertainty while being made to choose between two basic human needs of health and income/security…

  6. The unlaw of clocking in and clocking out to work to live vs living to do what we love, to be our best selves and reach our potentials as a Man or Woman… The unlaw of entrapment in JOB vs contribution and growth…

  7. The unlaw of tyranny, gross negligence, and more… Has the Hippocratic Oath been upheld? The unlaws of not being able to trust sick care professionals anymore…

These unlaw affect all of our lives greatly, they shape and lead us to where they take us...While we are not told, educated, or taught the natural Laws of the Universe!?

Do you not agree? If we focus on the Natural Laws vs the unlaws, would life not be better? Living to the PLUS?

If you choose to Live to the PLUS, I am here. Nick+